
Hardy House

Important OSAP Update: The Office of Special Academic Programs will be operating remotely starting Monday, March 16, 2024. OSAP will remain available to you over email and will have office hours from 1-4 PM Monday-Friday for virtual advising sessions. Further details about MMUF/ADRF Summer Research Colloquium, Summer Humanities and Social Program, and the Summer Science Program will be announced at a later time.

Our mission is to make sure all students thrive academically at Williams and beyond through opportunities and programs that work to eradicate racial and socio-economic disparities in higher education.

The Office of Special Academic Programs (OSAP) administers the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF), the Allison Davis Research Fellowship (ADRF), and the Summer Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) programs. Additionally, we work with the Summer Science Program, the C3 Undergraduate Fellowship, and other diversity initiatives at Williams or available to Williams students. OSAP is part of the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity. Together, this unit seeks to both transform the academy and strengthen the College’s commitment to inclusion by ensuring that diversity initiatives are advanced and celebrated.



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President Maud S. Mandel has announced plans for the fall 2024 semester. More details here. Please note that all Williams College buildings are closed to the public until further notice.


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